Exec Director,United nations Child's Funds unicef Ii!
The condition of new Earth's People 1996
) us . _ -. lfV IlXll U E!AU!'+_ THE STATEOF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN1996 Carol Bellamy. JY PwblishHlfor UNICEF by Oxford University Press Contents FQrel.-oro by United Nanons Secmary.QeTlCnIlPre!aa by UNICEF I>OUIIVC DirectorImrod''';lion 7,to eltl/Pler IChild.." In war W. ", ond civil conllo. "'" taking . i'" loll on chi!e numbers. though impred "', are Dlod [,,>Ill lhe ir I>ome<. and """n,I",,< OI!lers face [hehe;g.hlonm risk (Ifdi"''''''' and malnutrition and of . Iion from lheir fllJ1lil ies. In,ema. 1 la. pn'lIl Hles l.I;lndard.. for prolccling ch;ld
n in war,111= JWld:mb mull bo vigO)l'l)llda calls for . end w!he n:a'\I;lmtll, "ndcOIls<:riplioflin)the: mililalyof cltildm! under the3j';CQr IS. for . han on the man-Ufac:1ur". L1S<' . "oOJ land-mines and for M
lO"""'it and fln>'Cutc war crim<'S. The Agendaalso urges . ppo<1 for Iong'l","" develop. n' . rrronmi'child :IlIt'lival and deveklpmcn, revol"linn' . which. lhrough
progress and the Silu.uion of w. Itt gi'en .Regionol surnmaOcs are also provided. PanellI I I)lll:'AM Of f'I-:t.CIC TH H WOlUlli Of OlIl,DltF." r.< FOIlMrJl Y lJ(lOSLAVIA 2 A 1>'.1'."""" 5Ol.uIU' S SfOIlY3 THF. iosr lIOVS OF 1llF. S IJI1'N4 SA1G l.ANIH t L"1iSL" EL SALVADOR 6 uow SMt LANKA IllIK. res t1nL.DtU:N I'OIl PI'At'l::7 IMPAot,. 01' W. R os CHIl,DltEN: STuDY BY HK;lI UWH . OIlOUPH V IIJ .AGf. " '.o:ll'Jl SUI'fU
II<000f-Sl. Sh"TS 'lltF. I'i\CF. 10 OR5; TlIH MW ICAJ. . llV. 1t. rrrsss: A Nln"\VOIlKt'OR CUIl.OIU:1<14 GIRL'>' EDUCATION: A lJI'I'J.L''II ro [)f.VI'l.(lPMEl\IT 15 SocIAL O()"' I.
: 1995 . NI) 2000 Ted fig ure.F lO. I A NGOl.AN CIlIUlllf..'1 IN " 'AIl F ill . 2 1l<"DlISTR1AL17.ED CQUNttIF.S SPF.NDING MOIU! ON IIl'.ALTI I "'ND mut:ATION. WS os ",un . RYF ill . 3 PIJ8Ix SPF:NOlSll OS MIl.1TAAY II< D1cVUOPl.'lO tUlmlUES Ol1TPACF-S KF.I.lnt Fm;1lI l<1') Fl ll . 4 NP.T L" \fl'.5TM1i!l:R-5 Dl!AntS DOWN FIG. II Mi!As1.J'.S L'>I." UNIZATlON non . "D IIOUllNO 1'Ki. 12 J'R1!>olARY SCHOOl. F."ROI.Mr"' ,. RISESFIG. 13 BovslGlIlU F.J.l< Cou.'Child, may nations abideby the principle of "fi rst call for ch ildren" always-with thei r sur-vival. protection and development given high priority- in times of adversity as well as in times of bene licence. in times of war as well as in times of peace . UN1CEF has worked and has encouraged others during this half-ce ntury to make this princip le a reality. This report documents that great work. I recommend these pages to all readers. They reflect our com mon hopes and they summon us to even greater common action on behalf of the children of the world. Boutro$ Boulro$-GhaliUnited NalioTlS Secrelary-Gellerol Preface This special issue of The SIQ/II of fhl: "brld'" Child
an insurance policy ag;liMl conflict as a vital ste p ten Jl't' Vet1l l1nd alle-viate lhc distress regarding chilt1ren inside equipped oonnicl. I sUet Wilh college students inside the Commonly" because thcir comcrnporary predicament was boIhoverwhelming and you may inevitable.Next. they studies theefforts of UNICEF sick the fi rst hal f-ccnlury Ineopc: wiih chilo drensubmerged I10l just inconniet bul and additionally in the hushed emergencies away from paveny andpreventable state.